"I open creative flow for blocked creatives and visionaries."
Creative Process, Executive & Conflict Management Coaching

Is this you?
I use a revolutionary concept of story to unblock creatives desperately confronting empty pages—so they can discover their next great idea and make it real. My clients include:
- Writers, artists, composers, directors and others who want to be truly original and who are blocked or fighting a deadline
- Difference-makers, entrepreneurs and visionaries who want to improve their organizational vision or who are confronting a crisis or destructive conflict
Is your creative block actually an opportunity?
When you are blocked, your internal voices are spinning negative stories about you. These stories often limit you. But underneath those voices, there can be an opportunity for your own growth—perhaps even related to your creativity. Be brave, embrace the change!
The B-E-R-S-T method
The real power of your internal stories is that you can use them to develop a stronger connection with the flow of your creativity. Breakthrough Story Coaching is a process with five elements. That process changes how you understand and respond to blocked—so blocked really can become an opportunity. These elements will also help you get back to flowing creativity when you lose your connection.

All creatives face being blocked
Blocked is a normal part of the creative life. And every kind of creative will inevitably struggle with feeling blocked—including those who create VR experiences and those who use AI to produce works that inspire others.
Looking for a solution to related problems?
Developing original, exciting, creative work is a process that can become as natural as breathing. But sometimes you need support to get the assignment, or perhaps with the pitch meeting, or maybe with something else that’s related. Here are some additional ways I can support your opening to new creative possibilities:

About David Pauker
Breakthrough Story Coaching is the product of the work I have been doing for 20+ years involving creativity, conflict, exoteric psychology, and client relationships with their internal and external worlds. In addition, my work in the entertainment industry with creatives, as a coach with executives and others, and as a strategic business consultant has provided a dynamic frame for opening and supporting the flow of creativity.
Want to know more? Contact me!
I look forward to connecting. Whether you just want to talk, know more about my services, or have a question or comment, contact me. I look forward to beginning a dialogue, and I’ll do my best to respond within 24 hours.
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